Sunday, January 4, 2015

Return to Minneapolis

We left Kuala Lumpur on January 2nd on a 10:50 a.m. flight to Tokyo and arrived at about 6 p.m.  Our flight on to Minneapolis was not until January 3rd at about 5 p.m. so we collected our bags and stayed overnight again at the Narita Airport Hilton hotel.  We considered going into Narita to sightsee the following day before our flight but it was very windy and about 15 degrees colder than we anticipated and having left our winter clothes in Minneapolis, we decided to sleep in and laze about all day before our flight.

For some reason we got upgraded to Business Class on our flight from Narita to Minneapolis.  I liked the fact that I didn't have anybody tilting their chair back towards me and the food and service was obviously much better, but the seat per se wasn't that great.   When I reclined it to the sleeping position I could not get comfortable and changed it back to the seated position to get a couple of hours sleep.   The total flight time back to Minneapolis from Narita was only about 10 1/2 hours so there must have been a pretty stout tail wind.  Because of crossing the International Date line we arrived in Minneapolis on January 3rd at 1 p.m. - i.e., four hours earlier on the same date we left Japan.

At the Minneapolis airport they now have automated kiosks for answering the immigration questions and giving your fingerprints and it went very quickly.  Its a very nice improvement over the old system.

We had a great time on our trip and loved seeing Amy, Justin and the G-Kids!

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