Sunday, December 29, 2013

12-29-2013 Noosa National Park and an Everglades boat tour

On Sunday morning we drove down to Noosa National Park (only a few miles away from where we're staying)  and walked around a path on top of the headlands and then down to a beach.  The weather was very sunny and warm but with the ocean breeze it was comfortable.

Then in the afternoon we went on a boat tour up the Noosa river to an area which they claim is an everglades and the only place in the world which has such an ecosystem besides Florida.  I'm not sure about that claim, however, and it certainly looked different than the Florida everglades.  

I was a little concerned about people getting in the water after re-reading Bill Bryson's "A Sun-burned Country" and his dire warnings about crocodile attacks, but our guide assured us we were too far south for crocodiles and that they are only found in the very northern part of Australia closer to the equator.

On the way back the guide let the kids drive the boat for a little bit and they got a kick out of that.

On Saturday night we had one of the worst meals I have had in years at a place called "Hog's Breath". It turned out that the meal was as unappetizing as the name of the restaurant.  The only thing worse than the meal itself was the service.  However, last night, Sunday, we had one of the best meals I've had in a long time at a restaurant called "Rococo".  I had barbecued octopus for an appetizer and for my main course had suckling pig with cracklings, neither of which I had ever had before.  The food was fantastic and everyone had a good time.

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