Sunday, December 29, 2013

12/28/2013 Amy and the G-Kids Arrive

Amy, Justin and the G-kids arrived on Saturday morning after a 10 hour flight from Kuala Lumpur to Singapore to Brisbane and then a 90 minute van ride to Noosa.  They were tired but game to hit the beach after a quick clean up and change into swimsuits.

Then it was off to lunch at the Sheraton and swim at their pool.

About mid-afternoon we checked into our place at the Outrigger in Noosa for the next three nights.  Our unit is a 3 story, 4 bedroom townhome with very modern architecture and stunning views from all the bedrooms and living room.  When Amy walked into the living room on the main floor and saw this view she said, "O-M-G!".

The picture really doesn't do it justice.  This is a picture of the master bedroom.

We also have access to two public pools within a block of our unit and a smaller "private" pool (not sure why they call it that) which also has a great view.

We're having a great time!

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