Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Horseback riding lessons and boating on the day of Christmas Eve

Its a little after 5 p.m. and we've had a full day already and we haven't even gone to the neighborhood Christmas party yet!  We started off going to watch Hannah and Kaylee's horseback riding lessons.  First they just did walking and then they did trotting.

 Macy decided that she did not like the stable's  helmets so she chose not to go on a pony ride but little Whitney was game.

 Macy said that next week she will bring her bicycle helmet and go for a ride.  After the horseback riding lesson we went to the Alexis Restaurant for an early lunch.  Below is Macy and Carol having a heart-to-heart chat in the restaurant.

 Then we went to Putrajaya Lake, a man-made lake in the area of KL with all of the governmental buildings similar to our Washington D.C.  We rented a ski boat for an hour and they provide the driver.  Back home, both Justin and I like to drive our own boats but at this place they insisted that one of their guys drive.  But with the time limitation, that was probably a good thing.  Hannah and Kaylee went knee boarding

 All the girls went tubing.

 And Kaylee and Hannah got a wild and crazy ride at the end after the littler girls had their fill.

All in all, a very fun day.

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