Sunday, February 1, 2015

Arrival and First Day in Guatemala

I have to make a slight correction to the previous post.  As it turns out there was no train, not even an airport tram because we left Atlanta from the same terminal we arrived in.

The drive from Guatemala City to Panajachel took longer than expected because of heavy traffic and we arrived at the boat ramp for the short ride to Villa Sumaya just as the sun was going down over the mountains.

Here is a photo I took with a long exposure from my room by moonlight.

Our routine here is a morning yoga class with time off after lunch and then another class at 5 p.m.  This  is a picture of the yoga room at Villa Sumaya; the most scenic I've ever seen.

In the afternoon several of us took a boat ferry to Panajachel and walked around the town.  Here are some street photos I took.

This is a picture of a guard in front of a Western Union store.  Note the shotgun with the pistol grip.

Below is a picture of Anna a street vendor who spoke pretty good English and was all the more aggressive for it with her sales pitches.

I had my Instax printer with me and used it to strike up a conversation with Anna and her daughter Nancy.  I gave her a print of this picture right after I took it.

Below is a picture of Roberto and I also gave him a copy of the picture.

And below is a picture of Jesus who I bought some post cards from.

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