Monday, February 2, 2015

Monday in Guatemala

Below is a map of Villa Sumaya

You will notice that at the very top of the map is Room 10.  That's mine.  Its a great room with great views but it is a very steep long climb to get to.  Yesterday, one of the owners saw me huffing and puffing my way up the trail and later told me she had two other rooms right down by the lake that were available but I like the room and views so much I'm going to keep it.  Here are some pictures.

You will note in the picture below that there is a tree branch coming through the floor of my bathroom and going out the side wall.  

When visiting the bathroom in the middle of the night (which happens a lot for 60+ guys) you need to veer left as soon as you go through door or you'll stub your right big toe on the branch.  The owner told me it was a sacred tree so she couldn't cut the branch when she built the place.  I told her I hoped I was not cursed for cursing the sacred tree branch when I stubbed my right big toe in the middle of the night.

This morning a couple of the ladies wanted me to take their pictures doing handstands before class.

This is a view out of the west side of the yoga room.

This afternoon several of us walked to the village of Santa Cruz la Laguna.  They have a school there that teaches basic education, teaches the kids to speak Spanish because their native language is a Mayan dialect and speaking Spanish allows to get better jobs, teaches computer skills and teaches women how to sew. We stopped in and I asked if I could take some pictures.  After I handed out a couple of prints of the first women I photographed, they ALL wanted their pictures taken and were laughing and having a great time.  I finally ran out of printing paper for the Instax printer and promised to email them the pictures.  Here are a few I took at the school.

Then they told me they wanted to have a group picture and when I looked around trying to figure out where the best place was to do that they told me we should go up on the roof.  So up we went.

Here is a picture of Mona and Cindy  next to the Tuk Tuk we took down the hill back to the trail to walk back to Villa Sumaya

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