Saturday, April 6, 2013

Last Day in Malaysia - Bird Park

Today is our last day in Malaysia.  Our flight home starts tonight at 11:15 p.m. with a 6 hour flight from Kuala Lumpur to Seoul.  We have a two hour layover there and then a couple of hours flight to Tokyo.  We have a 4 hour layover in Tokyo and then a long 13 hour direct flight from there to Minneapolis where we will arrive early Sunday afternoon.

We had a great time with our family on this trip and the adventure of exploring parts of Thailand and Malaysia was a lot of fun.  I'm already looking forward to our next trip to this side of the world.

This morning we went to Kuala Lumpur's Bird Park where I got some pretty good shots of birds, the two big girls and Carol feeding parrots up close and personal, and the G-kids playing on a playground.

Our crew at the entrance to the Bird Park:

Parrots just inside the entrance:

 Lots of different types of herons that I've never seen before.  In Minnesota we pretty much only have Great Blue Herons and Green Herons.

A heron and a scarlet ibis.

They had several very colorful and loud roosters strutting around this morning and sounding off.

 There were several different types of hornbills but they were all in cages and it was difficult to get any good pictures of them except for this one which I managed to get through the mesh of the cage and then crop.

They had many peacocks, or as they call them here, peafowl.  Most of the larger males' tails were bare quills without the colorful tail feathers.  I don't know if they were molting now or what.  The males who had tail plumage appeared to be smaller and younger.

The most exciting part of the park was the area where you could feed the parrots and they literally swarmed anybody who was holding food.

Brave Hannah was the first to get some food for the parrots.

 Then Carol and Kaylee stepped up and got swarmed

At the playground in the park Whitney perked up.

Macy on the swing getting pushes from Dustin.

I'll probably do some more posts about our trip home - although I'm hoping we don't encounter anything too exciting especially going through Korea with all the saber-rattling going on there now.  And I'll probably do some more posts about Malaysia after we get back.

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