Wednesday, January 1, 2014

1-2-2014 A Day at the Beach in Watson Bay

We had a huge dinner at a Brazilian steakhouse called Braza's last night, which I heartily recommend, and we decided to sleep in a bit and get a later start this morning before taking a ferry to Watson Bay, an eastern suburb of Sydney with several nice beaches that one of Justin's friends recommended.

If you are in Sydney you really want and need to take ferries whenever and wherever you can because they are such an enjoyable way to go.  On the way over to Weston Bay, which was only about 20 minutes, we again had great views of the High Bridge and the Opera House with the Sydney skyline.

Within a couple of hundred yards from where the ferry landed there was a little park with a playground where the kids wanted to play before we walked around the town and went to the beach.

From there we walked up the hill to an overlook with a dramatic cliff and view of the Pacific where during World War II there had been a radar school and naval battery.

Apparently a fair number of people have commited suicide at these cliffs, enough so that there are several signs telling people to remember that they can get help.

We then walked down to a beach called Camper Cove on the other side of the peninsula and played there for a couple of hours.

It was quite hot and the water was pretty cold this early in Sydney's summer season.  So we were very glad for the refreshing dips we took in the water but we didn't stay in too long each time.

We walked back to ferry landing a different way and had a late lunch of take-away fish and chips before we headed back on the ferry at 2:15.

It was clouding up and starting to sprinkle on the ride back on the ferry.  I think we got the best part of the day before we landed at Circular Quay.

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