Thursday, January 2, 2014

1-3-2014 Luna Park

Today we went to Luna Park, an amusement park across the bay from Sydney and we went there -- you guessed it -- by ferry.  It opened in 1935 and while they have had numerous renovations and upgrades they have tried to keep the look and feel of the place, and especially the artwork, consistent with what it was when it opened almost 80 years ago.

This is the entrance:

This is one of the arcade games:

This is another one:

It had a real Monty Python/Penny Lane feel to it.

The girls probably had the most fun at the Coney Island building where they had old-fashioned slides using burlap sacks to slide down in.  I lost count of how many times they went down the slides.  It was too dark for me to take a picture of them doing the slides in the building but this is the cut-out in front with the characteristic 1930's arty appearance:

They had lots of other rides for kids as well.

No outing in Sydney would be complete without pictures of the High Bridge and Opera House and at Luna Park I got them both in one picture!

If you could be in this spot on New Year's Eve you would be at the most awesome spot for seeing the fireworks because they shoot them off of that bridge.

They had guys on stilts, ladies on stilts and dancers too:

When we got back to Circular Quay we saw a guy playing a didgeridoo.

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