Sunday, January 5, 2014

1-5-2014 First Full Day in Kauai - Waterfalls, a Helicopter Ride and a Luau

After our long day yesterday we were pretty tired when we went to bed last night.  We opened the sliding door, turned the AC off and went to sleep and woke up with the sound of the surf outside.  Delightful!!

We had breakfast this morning on the terrace overlooking the ocean.

By the way, this Blogger app does a pretty poor job of showing the sharpness and resolution of the photos.  When I get back home and have time to edit the photos I'll be posting a link where you can see the photos on Picasa and see much better images.

After breakfast we drove to the east side of the island to look at two waterfalls and then drove into Wailua for lunch and a little shopping for Carol.  Then we drove back to Lihue and checked in with Jack Harter Helicopters for our afternoon doors-off helicopter ride.  They did a very nice job of it.  Both Carol and I were a little nervous since neither of us have ridden on a helicoptor before and the idea of a doors-off ride was both exciting and a little scary.  However, we both loved the experience and didn't feel nervous after we took off.  I took well over a hundred photos and quite a few of them turned out really well.  I'm only going to show a few here though and remember that the resolution shown in these photos is not nearly as good as I'll have available later.

We lucked out with great weather all day and then when we pulled into the parking lot at our hotel it started to rain and we got pretty wet.   We rushed back to our room to change clothes and go to  a  Luau at our hotel.   When we made our reservations for it this morning before leaving the hotel the lady at the concierge desk said, "Its cheesy, but also fun."  She was right, it was pretty cheesy but fun and since Carol was disappointed that we weren't able to go to a Luau the last time we were in Hawaii, I'm glad we went to this one.

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