Friday, March 22, 2013

Arrival in Kuala Lumpur

We got to Amy's house at about 11:30 p.m. Friday night local time. Amy and Justin picked us up at the airport and then it was about an hour's drive to their place. The G-kids were asleep except for Whitney who had been up with Melona (their maid) so we gave her a kiss and a hug and just peeked in at the others.

With all the pictures we've seen of their place and Skyping I felt like I'd already seen the place before.

The trip was long but not as hard as I thought it would be in terms of jet lag. I think the layover in Korea with a night in a hotel helped a lot with that.

Don't really have any cool pictures yet but tomorrow morning we're going to feed the monkeys and go to the "wet market" - I.e. where you see your food walking around before you take it home to cook.

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