Sunday, March 31, 2013

Genting Highlands

On Saturday we drove about an hour east of Kuala Lumpur to the Genting Highlands.  It is at about 6,000 feet (the same altitude as Colorado Springs) as compared to the 292 feet at Amy and Justin's house.  On the drive up there we saw several signs like this.

Apparently they take trespassing pretty seriously here.

In the Genting Highlands there are a number of resort hotels connected by covered skyways with lots of shops and there is a a theme park with rides for the kids.We parked at the bottom of a gondola station - they call it a skyway--  and took a 20 minute ride on the gondola to the resort area with the hotels and theme park.

This is about 1/2 of the line to get on the gondola in the morning at around 10 a.m.  It is nothing compared to the size of the line later in the day when we got back.

Apparently a lot of people like to go to the theme park in the evening and there was a crowd about this same size on the floor below just waiting to move up to get into this line.  I'm glad we went when we did.  BTW -We did not see a single European or American the entire time we were there.

These are some shots from the gondola as we went over the rain forest to get to the resort.  Note the height of the trees; some appeared to be about 100 feet tall.

Going through the clouds was cool; literally.  The temperature at the top was 22 degrees Celsius/72 degrees  Fahrenheit which felt great to us in shorts and short sleeves but as you'll see in the later photos, some of the locals thought it was so cold they were wearing jackets and stocking caps.

The hotels and shopping malls are modern and well kept up.  But the theme park looks like it was built back in the 1990's and hasn't seen a coat of paint on anything since then.  They have staff picking up trash so it is clean in that regard but because it is such a moist environment there is black moldy looking crud on a lot of the buildings and rides which detracts from the charm of the setting.

Amy and Macy on the double decker carousel

Carol and Kaylee on the swing.  Kaylee looks a little uncertain about whether she's liking it.

Hannah is into it.

I was into it.

One of the cold locals.

I don't think this lady is cold.   Some women wear burkhas in the hottest places and even on the beach.  I don't know how they do it without getting heat stroke.  This may be the only place in Malaysia this lady is not dying from the heat.

Hannah, Amy, Macy and Kaylee on the teacup ride

Amy and Macy on an airplane ride

Justin and Macy - Note the legs of the elephant.  Disney management would have fits.

Amy and Hannah doing bumper boats.  I've seen one of these out on Lake Minnetonka.

At about 3:30 we decided to call it a day and head back.

 Fortunately there was no line whatsoever at the top of the gondola to go down.

In previous posts I've mentioned how some of the Asian women here go absolutely nuts over our little blondes.  Well, at the end of the gondola ride I was tending to Whitney in her stroller by the front door of the station while Amy, Carol and the other girls went to the bathroom and Justin went to get the car.  Several women came by to smile at and touch Whitney and then the woman in the picture below came by and motioned that she wanted to take a picture of Whitney.  Then she motioned that she wanted me to take her out of the stroller.  I thought she wanted me to hold Whitney so she could take a picture of her but then she motioned that she wanted to hold Whitney.  I was feeling a little anxious about that but decided she looked OK.  So I handed Whitney to her and she took Whitney's picture while I took the picture of her.

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