Saturday, March 30, 2013

Kuala Lumpur - Wet Market

Yesterday morning, Friday, we went to the "wet market" downtown at about 7:30 to get some chicken and pork for our dinners.

They have fresh fruit and vegetables:

They also have fish and other seafood:

And apparently pickpockets too.

 This is my son-in-law, Justin, picking out the pork loin and ribs he wanted to smoke for dinner that night and the butcher cutting them just so . . .

Justin wanted them trimmed differently and the butcher was happy to oblige.

Carol and Hannah and Macy are looking on.  Hannah has said that she wants to be a veterinarian and Justin told her that veterinarians in the meat industry spend a lot of their time dealing with carcasses.  Hannah thought about that for a while and said its "TMG" -- too much gross. Then she said she would be a pet veterinarian, not one who works in the meat industry.

 Then we went over to the chicken section of the market.  In the picture below you can see the cages in the background on the left where they keep the live chickens and in the distance in the middle you can see a man about ready to dispatch the coup de grace to one of the chickens.

 Within minutes they've removed the feathers and dressed the carcasses.  They leave the feet on because apparently chicken feet are used not only in Malaysia but throughout Asia.

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